Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The pictures and video below are a hodgepodge from the past couple of weeks. I put them in no particular order. Enjoy!

Easter Sunday we went to Grandma Anna and Grandpa Larry's to celebrate with many from our family and some friends of the family. Grandpa hid eggs and Libby and Aunt Em got to search them out. Libby was very excited to find that they had candy in them!!!

X has a problem with something Aunt Sarah just said.

This is the only picture I ended up taking of my 2 kids together... bummer.

Xander is now doing what I'm going to label crawling. He is not making fluid movements on all 4s. However, he's getting up on hands and knees and then using his muscles to scoot himself forward, flop on his belly, roll a bit, push up and scoot some more, etc. I left him on the gymini in the foreground and returned from a moment in Libby's room. It took me some time to find him among the toy clutter, but there he was. He's making serious ground these days.

One evening last week we stayed up too late decorating eggs. Can you tell? Well, what you might not be able to tell from this picture is that we had a lot of fun and they turned out beautifully.

While strolling I let Libby take pictures of things she saw so we could show daddy later. I deleted most of them, to be honest, but this one I kept around. I like it. I'm calling it
"more to life than snacks."

Libby asked me to take this picture of her with her babies. Count them, there are 4. In pink.

when does washing dishes cease to be fun?
for some, it never does. :) for me, it was long ago.

We had Tylor and Aunt Brett with us for St. Patrick's Day. Here we are, sporting our green. Below, it's just the 4 of us. (Yes, I know you can tell that.) On Tuesday, Libby was getting dressed and announced, "today's a pink day!" (Monday had been "a green day!")

This is serious business. Xander just loves to suck his toes almost as much as his thumb. He gets after it almost every diaper change, and certainly after a bath.

Spring Sprung and we took our first walk through our neighborhood this season. That's a complicated sentence because we have walked through our neighborhood before, and we've actually even walked this season, just not through our neighborhood this season until that particular day. The day before, we walked through Brittany's neighborhood (with her and her kiddos), but I neglected to snap a picture...

I call this video "Barns....".
Let me tell you, taking video of Xander is not an easy task. As you can see, he has two competitors for facetime...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the hodge-podge!